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Version: 2.0

Firebase (NodeJS)

This tutorial will teach you how to authenticate a user to your Firebase application with an EVM or Solana wallet. To simplify and speed up this process, we will use the \"Authenticate with Moralis Web3\" extension for Firebase.

Make sure to check out the Firebase (NodeJS) tutorial before starting this one, so you understand the basics of creating a project and running the Firebase emulator.

In this tutorial, we will use the following services:

Install Extension

Before we install the Moralis extension, we need to create a service account certificate. This certificate allows the extension to issue custom tokens to Firebase.

You can generate the certificate in the Firebase console. Go to Project settings > Service account and click the Generate new private key button. Next, click the Generate key button.

Now you have a valid certificate, we need to convert it to extension parameters. We've created an online converter to simplify this step.

Open the converter and load your certificate. The app will return processed values which you can paste to the CLI during the extension installation.

We are now ready to run the CLI command.

firebase ext:install moralis/moralis-auth@latest

During the installation, the installer will ask you about the Moralis API key, a website URL, and the previously processed certificate.

After this step, you can deploy the extension or run your project in the emulator.

firebase deploy --only extensions

Front-End App Integration

Firstly, we must add our utils package for the extension to the front-end app. The package simplifies usage of the extension.

npm install @moralisweb3/client-firebase-auth-utils

To initialize the package, we need to create a new instance of MoralisAuth. To do this, we need to call the getMoralisAuth function. This function requires an instance of the Firebase app, so be sure you have initialized the app correctly before you call this function.

import { initializeApp } from '@firebase/app';
import { getMoralisAuth } from '@moralisweb3/client-firebase-auth-utils';

export const app = initializeApp({
// your configuration here

const moralisAuth = getMoralisAuth(app);

Authenticate by MetaMask (EVM)

Let's authenticate using MetaMask! To start, we need to add a dedicated package: @moralisweb3/client-firebase-evm-auth. The package internally uses the ethers.js library to handle communication with an EVM provider.

npm install @moralisweb3/client-firebase-evm-auth

To authenticate a user, we need to call the below function.

import { signInWithMoralis } from '@moralisweb3/client-firebase-evm-auth';

await signInWithMoralis(moralisAuth);

It's so simple!

The signInWithMoralis method only supports the MetaMask provider by default. If you want to use your own provider, you can pass it by the options argument.

import { signInWithMoralis } from '@moralisweb3/client-firebase-evm-auth';
import { JsonRpcProvider } from '@ethersproject/providers';

const provider: JsonRpcProvider = /* ... */

await signInWithMoralis(moralisAuth, {

Authenticate by WalletConnect (EVM)

To handle the WalletConnect provider, we need to install the @walletconnect/web3-provider package.

npm install @walletconnect/web3-provider

To authenticate a user, we need to call the below code.

import { signInWithMoralis } from '@moralisweb3/client-firebase-evm-auth';
import { Web3Provider } from '@ethersproject/providers';
import WalletConnectProvider from "@walletconnect/web3-provider";

const provider = new WalletConnectProvider({
rpc: {
1: 'https://your_rpc_url_here/',
// ...

await provider.enable();

await signInWithMoralis(moralisAuth, {
provider: new Web3Provider(provider)

More information on how you can configure the WalletConnectProvider can be found here.

Authenticate by Phantom (Solana)

The solution for Solana is similar. To start, we need to install a dedicated package: @moralisweb3/client-firebase-sol-auth. The package only supports the Phantom wallet by default.

npm install @moralisweb3/client-firebase-sol-auth

To authenticate a user, we need to call the below function.

import { signInWithMoralis } from '@moralisweb3/client-firebase-sol-auth';

await signInWithMoralis(moralisAuth);

That's it!

If you need to use a different provider other than Phantom, you can pass it by the options argument.

import { signInWithMoralis } from '@moralisweb3/client-firebase-sol-auth';
import { JsonRpcProvider } from '@ethersproject/providers';

const provider = /* ... */

await signInWithMoralis(moralisAuth, {

Demo Project

You can find the repository with the final code here: firebase-auth-ext.


SDK doesn't work with Next.js

We recognised a complex bug with the Firebase SDK, that occurs only for Next.js framework. You may get the below error.

Server Error
Error: Component auth has not been registered yet

To fix this bug, please apply the following workaround. You must pass own instances of the Functions and Auth classes created at your application level to the getMoralisAuth() method.

const auth = getAuth(app);
const functions = getFunctions(app);

const moralisAuth = getMoralisAuth(app, {

You can find an example here.